Origin: About Us

Let's face it: natural beauty beats the fake ish EVERY. TIME. That's facts. As the fashionable women we are, of course we still come across and use products that are not as good to us or the planet as we would like. On the search to find the best there is, we discovered a new, more natural approach.

While we strive to find and promote the highest quality products, we also look for brands rooted in sustainability. Biodegradable and ethically sourced products take care of Mother Earth by giving back, turning our trash into treasure, one smart EARTH-conscious decision at a time. 

Why do you choose Empire Beauty? Empire Beauty means leaving it better than how we found it. Help preserve as much of the natural resources for the generations to come by contributing to the research and development of the best earth-friendly beauty products and tools the market has to offer. TEBS Standard.